Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Indie Shoutout: Amy K. Marshall (The Fishing Widow)

About the Author: my K. Marshall has been an archaeologist, conservator, curator, archivist, wreck diver, Yukon Quest Sled Dog Race Project Coordinator, musical theater director, piano teacher, bassist in a B52s Tribute Band, small business owner, blogger on The Weather Underground, DJ, waitress, line chef, and editor. She is increasingly weirded-out by the tendency of writers to refer to themselves in the third person, so --

I hold a B.A. in Medieval History (this should explain the odd jobs thing) and an M.A. in Maritime History & Nautical Archaeology (this should explain the boat-stalker thing). Currently, I am the Library Director for the small fishing town of Craig on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska. In 2011, I was featured in the video series LIBRARIES: A DIGITAL BRIDGE produced by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that demonstrated the potential for broadband connectivity in libraries. I continue to be a manic advocate for literacy in all its forms. I reside in Craig with my husband, two teenagers (this should explain the whole horror-writer thing), dark-fairy-hunting cat, and psychotic-but-sweet Border collie. "Let's Go Fishing" is just another way of saying "I Love You."

Not half-bad for the girl who was born and abandoned in the Grover Bungalow Laundry Mat in Lawrence, Kansas in November of 1964. Hey, mom, thanks for the gift of life, and thanks for the compassion of the dime left behind.

Where to Find the Author

List of Books

Synopsis: There’s an old saying that goes: The difference between a fairy tale and a fisherman’s tale is this… a fairy tale begins, “Once Upon A Time,” and a fisherman’s tale begins, “This Ain’t No Bullshit.”

Supernatural terror stalks the crew of the purse seiner the F/V “The Case In Point” during the March 2010 Sitka Herring Sac Roe Fishery in Southeast Alaska. As the herring war intensifies, each boat is an island, and being alone can cost you everything. As the web spins from the depths, the past is not so distant; the lines between history and myth begin to blur. The forgotten horror surrounding the 1835 loss of the Nantucket whaler “The Covenant” threatens to overwhelm the present. One among the seven men aboard “The Case In Point” is unwittingly marked by a woman beautiful and cursed, who not only desperately needs his help, but needs, desperately, to tear out his heart and consume his crew. 

Check out Bridget's Review for The Fishing Widow! 5/5 stars "Amazing characters, amazing plot, there is no doubt in my mind that Marshall has what it takes to fall in line with Stephen King and I will definitely buy every book she writes."

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