Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Book Review: The Pirate's Wish (The Assassin's Curse Series, #2) by Cassandra Rose Clarke

The Pirate's Wish (The Assassin's Curse #2)
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Synopsis: After setting out to break the curse that binds them together, the pirate Ananna and the assassin Naji find themselves stranded on an enchanted island in the north with nothing but a sword and their wits. But Naji has unseen enemies, and Ananna must face the wrath of the Pirate Confederation.

Together, they must travel afar, defeat their foes and break the mother of all curses. With all this going on, falling in love would be such a bad idea... All of this and much, much more await, in the swashbuckling sequel to
The Assassin's Curse.

Brought to you by TeamNerd Reviewer Bridget Strahin
I have some major mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, I really loved the plot, the characters. MANTICORE!! The way that Clarke wrote A Pirate's Wish was just as magnificent and magical as The Pirate's Curse.
 It wasn't hard getting back into Ananna's head and seeing Naji and the world through her eyes. I think in this book, she was a little more emotional and bratty then what I was initially expecting. Over and over we keep getting reminded that she loves Naji and how untouchable he is to her. By the end of the book I was a little more than over with her. Then you have Naji who is supposed to be this badass Assassin but in this installment in The Assassin's Curse Series, I felt like he just needed to fall off the Isles in the Sky. I couldn't take him. One minute he's "Me tough, feelings are for girls." Then "all aboard The Feelings Express!" It just felt . . . out of place. The other thing that really hurt this book for me was the amount of filler it had. There were so many scenes that I didn't care to read and just flipped the pages of because it was so boring. The fight scenes were short and pointless. In my opinion they were missing a lot of the flair that I came to love in The Pirate's Curse.
And just when you guys think this book was a letdown, you must know, there are talking sharks in this book. No joke. This book was worth all the filler just for them dang sharks that no matter how ridiculous they seemed I couldn't help but find major enjoyment out of. Loved it!
The ending was . . . quite the ending. I'm not going to give anything away, but I felt it was appropriate and I really liked it.
Overall, if you've read The Pirate's Curse (and enjoyed it) you're going to want to read this book. Clarke's imagination and talent are something to truly be appreciated and just because I didn't like some aspects of The Pirate's Wish, I know many will.

Author Bio: Cassandra Rose Clarke is a speculative fiction writer living amongst the beige stucco and overgrown pecan trees of Houston, Texas. She graduated in 2006 from The University of St. Thomas with a bachelor’s degree in English, and in 2008 she completed her master’s degree in creative writing at The University of Texas at Austin. Both of these degrees have served her surprisingly well.

During the summer of 2010, she attended the Clarion West Writers Workshop in Seattle, where she enjoyed sixty-degree summer days. Having been born and raised in Texas, this was something of a big deal. She was also a recipient of the 2010 Susan C. Petrey Clarion Scholarship Fund.

Where to Find the Author: Facebook/ Twitter/ Blog

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